Friday, April 25, 2008

God is at Work. -- a word from Marcus

Where to start? A years worth of planning and the week is almost over. Where has time gone? My real question though is, "what else could God possibly have in store?"
  • Kick-Off=A-MA-ZING!
  • Station responses and engagement = success.
  • Outreach events = Blessed to the exponential power.
As the week draws to an end, I anxiously await to see what else God has in store. It's almost like that feeling you have the night before Christmas and you can't wait to open up your presents in the morning. In all seriousness though, I really am just amazed at how God has been moving and ever-so-present throughout everything this week. Within the first five minutes of "Where is the Love in the Church?" event on Wednesday, I almost broke down in tears. These were not tears of "I can't handle life right now," or "I'm beyond stressed because of EngageNU and I just want to cry." These were tears of joy. As I slowly took in the packed room of Parkes 122, where people had to pull up extra chairs to tables because there were no seats left, and saw at least half a room of non-Christians, I saw the EngageNU that was envisioned last year around this exact time. These tears that I had to hold back, were the tears that were the result of a community that believes so much in the purpose of EngageNU, that people pro-actively brought not one, but several friends who aren't currently a part of the Church.

This week I have had the honor to work along side all of you, and yes I mean all of you not just those manning the stations, or putting on the events… I mean all of you who have been praying for EngageNU, who have been inviting your friends to events and stations, who have contributed financially, and those of you who were just curious to know how and what God has been doing throughout the week. And that "all of you" is not just our Brothers and Sisters in IV, it's our Brothers and Sisters in Cru, RUF, UCM, seminary students at Garret, as well as other Christians in the Northwestern-Evanston community, and across the country. This "all of you" is the collective body known as the Church. Throughout this week, I've gained a deeper understanding of what God desires to do in not just the lives of those around us on this campus, but in us as a whole.

Whether you were able to man a station or not, ask people about their experiences at these stations and at these events. And those of us who have been able to work at the stations and events, ask people who weren't manning stations or events how their experiences with EngageNU have been. We've all had different experiences this week, why not bless one another with things we've heard or seen? Be encouraged beloved, God is at work. I challenge you all to accept not only what He's doing in your life, but accept what He wants you to do in the lives of those around you. If you put these two together, I guarantee that you will be blessed in ways you have never imagined. -Marcus Mason

EngageNU Article in Daily

Daily Northwestern

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Burnt out already?

Maybe you need to listen to James Chambers again!

Download MP3

(Right Click, then select "Save Link As...")

Images from Tuesday:

Just because I didn't see a mountain move, does not mean it didn't happen!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Reflections from a new alumn...

At the Arch, in front the Modern Day Slavery booth:
AAIV Student: Can we get your opinion on something?
Me: Sure!
AAIV Student: Do you believe God cares about injustice?
Me: Of course!
AAIV Student: Do you believe there is hope?
Me: ...
Me: I don't know.
As a former member & leader in InterVaristy, how could I not know? It's like I've never been asked the question before. I have the utmost faith that God can miraculously bring hope to this world. But when I think about the people in charge (i.e. Christians), I see little hope for this coming to pass. I put my sticker on the wall, snap a few photos, and head towards my car.

My thoughts continue: "Is there hope, with Christian's being who they are? I expect the world to not love, but it feels like the body of Christ does not know how to love either". I pass the prayer warriors at the rock shouting: "Come pray with us!", "Would you like some candy?", "Free prayer!". Their boldness, their persistence, they amaze me.

Sitting in my car the Spirit of God hits me: These are not the Christians from my youth group, who say they want more of you Jesus, but sacrifice nothing. These are not the Christians of my old Church, looking to modernize the worship hall, while the community around them falls apart. These are not the Christians of my Childhood, on the television yelling "No Tears For Queers".

Without realizing it, "Where is the Love?" has been the question I had been asking of Christians my whole life. Today, I saw Christians pouring out love by praying for those who do not, and speaking out on behalf of those with no voice.
  • Students doing their share in the mission? Check.
  • Compelled by the spirit? Check.
  • Fear driven out? Check.
It's only day one, and I've only seen two booths. Tomorrow, I expect mountains to move.